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The First time Is always the sweetest!

I have too may things I want to say in this life and not enough time. So I decided that I would let it out on the ole' internet blog.

It is spring here at the farm although not officially but definitely mother nature has said she was satisfied by the cold. The Farm is really starting to shape up into a beautiful essence of my soul and vision. I can see the future in it but it tends to give me despair when it doesn't shape up fast enough. I have been starting my transplants for the last month or so and they are coming along beautifully. I have set squash and am setting tomatoes this week in the high tunnels. My dad came and stayed the last two months helping me with most of my chores but he had to go back to old Kentucky so I am again alone to do my work. It is within in this loneliness I have been finding more solace than when I was a child. It is strange that as a child you worry for the friendships you do not have and strive for the feeling of want without regret but with age comes a stillness in you that can be calmed with a hint of fresh air and the quiet sound of nature bubbling around you. So here I am again to pull my rows and plant. Here I am again to watch them grow, and to talk to my mute friends to which they do not know their own end.

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